Some ended relationships were weights lifted off of our shoulders, and some left us grieving. However they ended, it’s important to know that they did indeed end....
Twenty-one-year-old me would never marry a man who already had kids. It was the third bullet on my long list of expectations for my future husband....
During the course of a woman’s love life, she dates significant men who she will never forget… although she may want to forget them....
I had my second anxiety attack of the year today. It happened while I was in the shower. My showers had become my place of worship and comfort, but today, everything seemed to hit me at once....
I don’t want to ever be associated with church people again....
“mArRIAgE iS aBoUt GiVe aNd tAKe” ! I’ve honestly never GIVEN so much in my life....
I'm sitting here watching one of my favorite movies, Why Did I Get Married (I watch it literally every time it comes on TV, and I have the DVD, chileeeeee)...
How many times have we gone through something in life and we vow to never make the same mistake again? Then two months later, here we are making that same mistake again....
We have all experienced love and love loss at some point in our lives. The question is, what made us get to the point when we realized the love was lost?...