[masonry_blog order_by=”date” order=”ASC” title_tag=”h5″ display_time=”1″ display_comments=”0″]

There's a curse in making one person in a relationship feel more important than the other. No matter which side is doing it....

Some hooks are too big. Beyoncé's "Upgrade U" is one of those hooks. The entertaining ego-driven hook is one in which one of the biggest most successful black women in the world is talking about how her very presence upgrades her man. ...

Healing after your heart has been broken is one of the hardest things you'll ever go through...

As a student of culture, a student of life, and a student of human progress and interactions, I have continuously searched for trends of success and failure throughout history....

For as long as I can remember, I've operated off of an "I'll move when I'm moved" mentality. ...